Reciprocal Submission Guidelines

Relevancy, that is the word to remember, if you want to get your page included in this directory. Only pages that are relevant to the subject of this niche directory are likely to be listed

The directory lists pages about

Games ( On Line games, Games Production etc.)
Movies ( Movie Reviews, Movie Stars, Movie Production etc.)
Music( Music Genre, Pop Stars, Music Production, Music Lessons, Instruments, etc.)
Downloading of Games Music and Movies (How to Download, Where to Download,etc)
Dangers of Downloading ( Spy Ware - Ad Ware Protection, Legal Issues, etc. )

We do not list pages that promote hate, violence, racism etc.
No adult sites, although some adult content is allowed
For example:
Sites selling adult movies only will not be allowed, sites selling lots of different movies including a category "adult movies" will be allowed, if they meet the other requirements.

How to submit with a reciprocal link

The url of the page you want to submit. Any page of your site that is relevant to this directory is allowed.

Max 100 characters, try to use your most important keyword/phrase here.

Max 500 characters, try to describe your page clearly, include a few good keywords/phrases, but always remember you are describing your page to people, not to search engines.
Do not just use a whole list of keywords for your description

Select the most relevant category for your page. If you feel your page is relevant but we have no category yet, you can suggest a new category.

The reciprocal link

Millions of sites use reciprocal linking to promote their site.They create a links page and just ad hundreds of links to other ( un-related ) sites, who return the " favor" on a similar links page. Sometimes these pages can not be reached from the site, or there is a small link at the bottom saying " links " or " resources ".
No visitor is ever visiting these pages, and they are not supposed to.The only reason these link pages exist is to get links back and so hopefully increase the results in the search engines. Maybe in the past this type of reciprocal linking did work, now it is, in my opinion , a waste of time.

Reciprocal links are meant for visitors

I believe that search engines will only reward reciprocal links if they are convinced that you have these links on your site for the benefit of your visitors, that is why we will not accept a link back from you from some reciprocal links page.

Your link back to us much come from the page that you submit to this directory.

Just think about it, where ever you place our link, the search engines will recognize it for what it is: a reciprocal link.

There is nothing wrong with that, as long as they see these reciprocal links as reciprocal links, placed for the benefit of your visitors.

Placing the link on an obscure, unreachable links page is like telling the search engines: "I am only placing this link to impress you." but you will not.

The page you submit is the page you want to get visitors for, you are promoting this page. Placing the reciprocal link on that page, means you are placing this link for the benefit of your visitors.

How to place our reciprocal link

It has to be a static, search engine friendly link, and easy to spot by your visitors.
How the link looks and to which page of our site it points is up to you to decide.
You could link it to the directory, or to the page with your listing within the directory, or link it to a relevant article on our article pages.

How we check our reciprocal links

We check our reciprocal links by visiting the page that is listed, and where the link should be.We know what we are looking for, so we should be able to find it.

When to place our reciprocal link

After we have approved of your submission, we wil send you an e-mail to notify you of this aproval. You will then have one week to place the reciprocal link.
If you have problems with the link you could ask us for advice.

If, in our opinion, you change your page in such a way that your page is not relevant anymore to this directory ( for example changing it into a gambling site, dating site, adsense site or changing your site in a redirect etc.) your listing will be removed.

If you take away our reciprocal link, your listing will be removed.

Free Submission Guidelines
Reciprocal Submission Guidelines